JWCA advises COHERUS BIOSCIENCES on its $100 million convertible execution
FEBRUARY 2016 | read press release
Transaction Background
JWCA was hired by Coherus Biosciences to advise on its capital raise through a privately negotiated convertible issuance, and to provide advice and support during the execution process:
Convertible structure: provided capital structure analysis and advice related to convertible debt issuance and execution, including education and analysis around the makewhole table
Publicly marketed vs private deal issuance: ran a dual- track execution process in order to retain maximum flexibility for the client to raise capital in an efficient manner, which allowed Coherus to take advantage of a private issuance when the capital markets proved challenging. This also helped Coherus to obtain more flexible terms in the private convertible (by using the public option as negotiating leverage)
Accounting: helped the company with the accounting review of the offering documents
Negotiation with investors: provided experience, expertise, and analysis for Coherus to focus on the evaluation of offered terms, and provided advice in the negotation process
Provided advice, support and analysis throughout the negotiation and deal preparation process
Company was able to raise capital successfully in a period of high market volatility and uncertainty
Avoided stock price risk with the private execution
The negotiation process served to achieve significantly better terms for the company than originally offered