New Issuance of Mandatory Convertible

Mandatory convertible securities can also be very complex. No other advisory team has the deep experience and expertise associated with new issuance execution of mandatory convertibles, including in the areas of structuring, pricing, economics, documentation, accounting and tax, and execution tactics.

J. Wood Capital Advisors works closely with management teams to provide extensive analysis on mandatory convertibles. In addition to providing companies with advice on deal structuring, syndicate structures, pricing term sheet documentation we provide legal, make-whole, and accounting analysis.  Mandatories sometimes come with capped calls (derivatives) on top, which we can help structure and auction off to get the most optimal pricing.

J. Wood Capital Advisors can also help companies design and structure green mandatory convertibles at no added cost. We work with management teams to determine whether green mandatories work in their best interest and ultimately assist companies align their issuance with the core components of the green bond principles.

When working with an investment bank on a new issuance execution of mandatory convertible debt, a company must be aware of the inherent conflicts in the traditional investment banking model.  Your investment banking advisor has two types of clients:  corporate clients and investor clients.  Having an independent, dedicated and experienced advisor who sits on YOUR side of the table is incredibly important to ensure that you are receiving advice that is free of conflicts and entirely unbiased.

We look forward to acting as an extended part of your team as we share our collective experience with you to ensure a successful outcome in your mandatory convertible execution.