JWCA advises molina healthcare on An exchange of $176.6 Million of their 3.75% convertible notes due 2014 into 1.625% convertible notes due 2044
Transaction Background
JWCA was hired by Molina Healthcare to evaluate its capital structure. The recommendation was to push out the maturity of its existing debt by exchanging a portion of the 3.75% Convertible Notes due 2014 into 1.625% Convertible Senior Notes due 2044. In the exchange, JWCA:
Assisted the Molina team with comparative analytics around exchange consideration strategies: (1) all convertible, or (2) mix of cash + convertible + shares
Specifically designed the strategy, investor outreach and execution process to meet the company’s objectives:
- Designed the exchange strategy in order to mitigate impact on the company’s stock price
- Focused on preserving cash
- Minimized cost of execution
Assisted the team with documentation, accounting, and tax review
Led the negotiation with investors
Exchanged ~95% of their 3.75% Convertible Senior Notes due 2014, thereby pushing out the refinancing at least 4 years
Achieved a 1.625% coupon, 0.375% lower than expected, saving the company ~$2.6mm in total savings (for 4 year expected life)
Obtained a tax deduction rate of 7.50% through the Contingent Pay Debt Instrument design
Delivered a smarter, more efficient execution:
- Positive stock price performance: MOH share price rose +13.6% during the execution period vs. an average decline of -8.0% for similar size convertibles
- Lower execution costs: fees were nearly 50% lower than average fees for similarly sized convertibles, saving the company ~$2.8 million
- No company marketing, so management could focus on running the business